Curry Chicken

by Lena Soh
4 years ago

Curry Chicken


Preparation and Cooking Time: 1-hr



  • 3 chicken drum sticks (cut into 2 pcs)
  • 5 chicken wings
  • 3 potatoes (peeled and cut into 2 pcs, if big potato, you can cut into 3 or 4 pcs)
  • 3 tbsp curry powder
  • 200ml light UHT coconut milk
  • A1 curry instant sauce
  • 200ml water
  • 2 chicken cubes
  • 1 big red onions (chopped)


Cooking Method Step by Step

1. Coat the chicken drum and wings with curry powder. Mix well and set aside.

2. Heat up the oil in the work and put in the cut potato. Scoop up when it turns golden brown. Set aside.

3. Heat up the oil and add in the chopped onion and stir fry until it turns to light golden then put in the curry coated chicken pieces.

4. Stir fry the curry chicken and it about 80% cook then add in the A1 curry instant sauce and mix well.

5. Add in the UHT coconut milk and water and chicken cube together with the fried potato. Stir and let it boil for 15 – 20 min.

6. Ready to serve.


Contributed by Mummy Lena