15 Bizarre and Dangerous Online Challenges Your Child Might Be Tempted to Try

by Wonder Years
4 years ago

online challenges kids

The Internet seems to work in strange, unexplainable ways at times. Random content can go viral within minutes and there are trends that become a hot discussion topic.

One great example is the online challenges. Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge or Planking? Some of these challenges may evolve as a way to raise awareness for a worthy cause while others are simply out there to endanger lives.

The rules of these online challenges are simple. Participants take a video of themselves doing these pranks and share it on social media. With that, gaining followers and likes is the push factor, along with a dose of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Teens and young adults may go through with these acts to get some attention, but this gets worrying when younger kids are exposed and are keen to get in on the action too.

Here are some popular ones that have been making its rounds on the various social media platforms recently.

Look Out for These Online Challenges that Might Be Dangerous for Kids!

#1: The Skull Breaker Challenge

Skull breaking challenge

Here’s a challenge that just made its round on TikTok this year. The aim of the Skull Breaker Challenge is to get the participant to fall backwards on his/her head. 

Three people will stand in a straight line and are told that they are all going to jump in the air at the same time. However, what the middle person does not know is that the people on either side of him/ger gas agreed beforehand to kick inwards at the middle person’s leg to get him/her to lose his/her balance and fall, causing injuries to the head, spine and wrist which could be fatal. 

To date, the Skull Breaker Challenge has caused numerous injuries in kids and teens worldwide. 

#2: The Momo Challenge

momo challenge

The setup of this challenge is frightening. Children are contacted through WhatsApp by the bulgy-eyed momo character with the message to hurt themselves. Upon saving momo as a contact, this character will send violent images and gradually encourage kids to take their own lives.

This story has been making its rounds since 2018, but police in Ireland have recently called the Momo Challenge a hoax set up by hackers. The character was identified as an end-product of a Japanese special-effects creation. 

However, it has been said that momo has been edited into unofficial versions of children’s cartoons such as Peppa Pig and several online games, so it is important to always keep a close watch on what your kids are watching online. 

#3: Tide Pod Challenge

Tide Pods Challenge

Most of us would know that biting into a pod of laundry detergent is dangerous and makes very little sense, but some children are doing this and posting videos of them trying this out. As the outside coating of the pods is meant to dissolve, this gets released into a child’s mouth very quickly and can cause chemical burns and problems with their lungs and kidneys. 

#4: Shell-on Challenge

Shell-on challenge

Originated from Snapchat, this challenge sees teens eating food with the “shell on”. What this really means is that they bite into food without unwrapping it beforehand. This challenge has led to children biting into unpeeled fruits such as bananas and lemons, as well as unwrapped candies and plastic bags of food to score some laughs, likes and shares.

While there is a risk of ingesting plastic wrappers, this challenge seems to be more strange rather than dangerous.


Read also: What Not to Do to Your Introverted Child

#5: Outlet Challenge

outlet challenge

This challenge was first shared on TikTok, a popular video platform. Also known as the Penny Challenge, children are trying to get their minute of online fame by putting phone chargers halfway into the electrical outlet and dropping coins onto the exposed prongs to create sparks.

Yes, playing with electrical sockets is dangerous and there is a risk of getting electrocuted, but such challenges could also cause power outages and fires as a result of a silly prank. So, do cover up your outlets!

#6: Condom Snorting Challenge

Condone Snorting Challenge

The challenges that our children are tempted to try out get weirder by the day!

Teens are challenging each other to snort brand-new condoms and then pull it out from their mouths. Apart from this being gross to watch, children are putting themselves at risk of choking, as well as developing allergic reactions, infection and pneumonia when they ingest condoms. 

Apparently, this is an old challenge from a few years ago that recently resurfaced. You can look for posts on this on Instagram and YouTube with the hashtag #condomchallenge.  

#7: The Deodorant Challenge

deodorant challenge

Previously known as “frosting”, this is another dangerous challenge that has made a comeback under a new name – The Deodorant Challenge. This involves the participant to hold an aerosol deodorant can as close to their skin as possible and spray over that spot for as long as they can manage. 

Children are getting more than being covered in deodorant scent – some have experienced second-degree burns from this challenge, which causes their skin to look spotty. 

#8: The Eraser Challenge

eraser challenge

This challenge might have originated from the early days of our childhood. Children are required to take an eraser and rub it on their skin – usually on their hands or forearms – as hard as they can for 30 seconds. This results in a painful welt that could lead to scarring of the skin. 

#9: The Banana and Sprite Challenge

banana sprite challenge

Children are giving this challenge a go by eating two bananas and drinking a litre of Sprite. The one who can do this without puking wins! Bananas and Sprite does not mix well together, resulting in a messy spit-up affair.

#10: The Cinnamon Challenge

cinnamon challenge

To innocent children, daring someone to swallow a teaspoon of cinnamon may seem like something that is safe enough to try, but there are dangerous consequences. This includes the likes of coughing, choking and burning eyes after downing a teaspoon of cinnamon. 

#11: The Ghost Pepper/Chilli Challenge

chilli challenge

Another food-related challenge, this one involves participants eating the spiciest chilli that they can get hold of, such as the bird-eye chilli (or, chilli padi) or habanero chilli. This obviously brings a lot of pain, discomfort and suffering for people who take this up – like how these YouTubers had to learn the hard way

#12: The Hot Water Challenge

boiling water challenge

For this challenge, participants have two choices: 

  1. Drink boiling water through a straw
  2. Pour boiling water on unsuspecting victims

Innocent children have reportedly died after doing this challenge, and there are children who suffered from severe burns in their mouth and throat, while others have had to sustain serious burns. 

#13: The Salt and Ice Challenge

Ice & Salt Challenge

This challenge involves putting salt and ice on the participant’s skin or in the palm of their hands. The person who holds and goes through with the pain the longest wins. 

There are many dangers to this seemingly simple challenge. The reaction between the salt and ice means that the temperature can go way below that of ice alone, causing injuries that are similar to frostbite. People who have done this have sustained second and third-degree burns.

#14: Backpack Challenge

This one’s more like a test for your child’s agility. One person will run between two rows of people who will try to hit you with heavy backpacks. The objective is to get to the other end without falling down, which is not exactly the easiest thing to do. Plus, your children could get hurt as they attempt to do this.

#15: Blue Whale Challenge

This challenge tops the scale on the degree of this being both dangerous and frightening. Over a period of 50 days, an anonymous “administrator” will assign self-harm tasks such as cutting or slashing. At the end of the 50th day, the participant will then have to commit suicide.

The Blue Whale Challenge allegedly originated from Russia and there were reports of deaths that were allegedly linked to this “suicide game”. However, investigations on this link were unverified and likely not true. Apps related to the Blue Whale Challenge were said to surface and then later removed. 


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What to do if you suspect your child might be involved in online challenges?  

While it may seem tempting, it is impossible to screen the content available online or stop your children from watching viral videos and challenges such as these. Instead, here are a few things that you could do to ensure the safety of your children as they watch videos on online challenges on social media. 

Talk to them

Your child is at an age where they might need guidance from adults to help them figure out what’s right and wrong. Initiate frank and open discussions with them about these online challenges and ask them what they think of the challenge and would they ever consider doing it themselves. Emphasise the fact that while these videos might serve to entertain and draw followers, the act of pulling off the challenges could pose a risk to their safety and well-being.

Acknowledge the issue of peer pressure as well, and talk about cyberbullying. Your kids should feel assured that they do not have to go through such great lengths in order to gain new friends or be accepted in certain social circles. 

Stay updated with online trends

One of things you can do is to be on the lookout for warning signs of behaviour that are linked to these online challenges. Start by reading up on what these online challenges are about and how they work. 

Get help for your child

If you suspect that your child might be going through a challenging phase in his/her life, do reach out for help early. This will help your child overcome the obstacles by getting help and treatment from the right people.

Some organisations that you can reach out to are:

Samaritans of Singapore

SACAC Counselling

Singapore Psychological Society