5 Funny Books Every Mum Needs to See the Lighter Side of Parenting

by Karen Chen
5 years ago

funny books for mums

Parenting is hard work. In the daily grouses of nags, frowns and despair, we can always look at the lighter side of parenting to survive. 

Carve out some ‘me’ time to read these funny books for mums.

Funny books for mums – do check these out!

1. Hurrah for Gin
By Katie Kirby

funny books for mums

It is totally perfect to be an imperfect parent. This book is not a how-to-guide that tells you how to be a good parent. It is a book about parenting that is loaded with hilarious recount of parenting experiences. Likely a better read than most parenting guide books. 

It shares honest anecdotes and stick men illustrations that demonstrate how it is perfectly possible to love your children while finding them incredibly irritating at the same time. Feel better about your motherhood experiences with it. You are not alone. 

Where to buy from: Book depository or Kinokuniya

2. The Unmumsy Mum
By Sarah Turner

funny books for mums

The Unmumsy Mum’ writes candidly and brutally honestly about what motherhood is really like. It’s messy and maddening, with no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Sarah Turner shares the highs and lows of parenting while grappling with two small boys. This book allows you to admit that parenting is hard work and it can get mundane on some days too – without feeling too guilty. After all, sunshine and rainbows are not for all days.

Include this into your list of funny books for mums, for a refreshing read on modern motherhood.

Where to buy from: Book depository or Kinokuniya

3. The Mum Who Got Her Life Back
By Fiona Gibson

funny books for mums

Here’s one for mums of older kids who are about to leave for university. Single mum Nadia’s life changes in ways she never expected. Her Glasgow flat feels suddenly huge and laundry doesn’t take up half her week. After almost two decades of putting everyone else first, Nadia is finally taking care of herself. And with a budding romance with new boyfriend Jack, she’s never felt more alive. That is, until her son Alfie drops out of university, and Nadia finds her empty nest is empty no more. 

This book with delightful sense of humour will shine through as one of the fun books for mums 2019.

Where to buy from: Book depository or Kinokuniya

4. Keep me posted
By Liza Beazly

funny books for mums

Cassie is trying to make her life work as a Manhattan wife and mum to twin toddlers, while her big-hearted sister, Sid, lives an expat’s life of leisure in Singapore. The two sisters, determined to stay connected, begin writing letters to one another. Sid who shuns social media, challenges Cassie to reconnect through old-fashioned letters.

And when Cass decides to scan each letter on to what she thought was a private blog, things take a turn with the extremely personal and revealing letters on the internet.

This is another fun read that doesn’t shy away from showing us that motherhood isn’t all that glamorous.

Where to buy from: Book depository or Kinokuniya 

5. I’m not perfect. I’m a Mom
By Jasmine Han and Shelly Holly

funny books for mums

Here’s one by local Singapore author, Jasmine Han. Her co-author, Shelly Holly also resides in Singapore. This is a collection of light-hearted stories about the experiences of pregnancy, attempting to avoid public tantrums, making it through toddlerhood and trying not to punch the husband while he is trying to offer help. Jasmine Han & Shelly Holly, both moms with three young kids between them, compile their humorous collective experiences about surviving, and not perfecting motherhood.

Where to buy from: Epigram 

With these recommended list of books for mums, they should keep you wonderfully entertained. Life is not that serious, but if it is, it’s time to sprinkle some laughter by reading some funny books for mums. Keep the wrinkles at bay with laughs.