5 Important Reasons Why Family Vacations are Good For Your Children

by Peter Tao
5 years ago

stacked suitcases and luggage at airport with airplane taking off

Modern parenting is about investing time with your children to create happy memories.

On the way back after our recent trip to Japan in June 2018 my boys proactively came up with a list of possible holiday destinations for our next trip in December.
“Korea, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, London..” the duo blurted out sprightly as if they were in a geography class.

It dawned upon me how much they love and value family vacations. Every vacation is a happy and lasting memory for the kids as we let our hair down and enjoy each other’s company. These trips are filled with moments where we chat with each other, share delectable food, marvel at new discoveries and basically do everything and have fun together.

Benefits of family vacations

Studies have shown that a vacation can be beneficial to the overall development of your child(ren) as it exposes them to new and unique experiences. Let’s take a look at the facts that explain why family vacations are beneficial for children.

1. Building bonds and creating happy memories

A family vacation is not only a fabulous break from school for kids – it also provides them with all kinds of special moments and enriching experiences. This can be anything from visiting a farm or museum, hiking up a mountain together, trying new foods or taking an exhilarating roller coaster ride side by side.

I believe in the saying, “A family that plays together stays together.” All the moments and activities that take place during a family vacation will definitely be wonderful memories that we can reminisce later on in life.

2. Children get to learn new things

Every holiday is a new adventure for the child(ren) where they are exposed to a new environment, new cultures, new delicacies and new people. This creates an opportunity to pique their curiosity and lead them to ask questions.

Children’s mind works like a sponge where they can absorb and learn a huge amount of information. Opening their eyes to different parts of the world helps them break out of their comfort zone and broaden their horizons, helping them to see things from a different perspective.

3. Family vacations are about building confidence and self-esteem

Going on a vacation is an excellent way of building confidence in a child. The child has the chance to attempt things he has never tried before and it always helps to boost his/her confidence and improve his/her self-esteem every time he/she succeeds in accomplishing the given tasks.

Activities like holding a gecko and python in reptile café in Japan, completing a complex life-sized maze in Melbourne and successfully reaching the summit of Sunshine Peak in Jeju are confidence boosters for my kids. Hence, every new encounter or activity acts as a building block of confidence for your kiddos.

4. Children witness problem solving skills

It is inevitable when families experience hiccups or unexpected turn of events during a vacation. From a change in weather to an unanticipated closure of an attraction, parents are often faced with the task of responding and handling the impromptu situations.

Naturally, our child(ren) will observe how we deal with unpleasant circumstances and ultimately witness and learn real life problem solving skills. This also encourages them to remain calm and flexible when facing life’s challenges.

5. Family vacations are good for kids as they reduce stress and promote well-being

According to Professor Jaak Panksepp, a world leading neuroscientist at Washington State University, children can exercise two genetically ingrained systems in the brain’s limbic area on holiday which often goes “unexercised” at home – the ‘play system’ and the ‘seeking system’.

Family holiday experiences activate these systems in your child’s brain, releasing and triggering feel-good chemicals such as opioids, oxytocin and dopamine. These chemicals reduce stress levels and activate warm and loving feelings. Based on these findings, a good vacation can really do wonders to help a child relax and recharge in our highly competitive and stressful society.

It is apparent that the benefits of going on a wonderful family vacation cannot be underestimated. Rather than buying pricey toys for your children, a well-planned holiday seems to be a much better gift a parent can give to their child(ren). So, start planning for your next vacation – for a family that travels together stays together.